$AUDA Allocation

Discover $AUDA Initial Allocations

Tokensale (37.50% of 1 billion)

The tokensale is conducted in 3 different phases. $AUDA price will increase over the different phases, while the minimum capital required for participating will be lowered. The rationale adopted for selecting tokensale participants will be on a First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) basis. Each phase is also linked to a specific vesting schedule structure. $AUDA will be deployed and available for trading after the final round of tokensale is completed.

Unsold $AUDA will be placed in the AudaSynth Treasury Wallet and allocated between Marketing, Liquidity Providers, Ecosystem Grants and VCs based on the necessity. If no necessity is found, remaining unsold $AUDA will be removed permanently from circulation.

For participating in the $AUDA tokensale, participants are required to complete a KYC procedure.

Liquidity Providers / Staking (20% of 1 billion)

AudaSynth allocated a portion of this allocation to satisfy the initial liquidity necessary for $AUDA listing on DEXes. $AUDA on Ethereum will be listed on Uniswap at a rate TBA, paired with ETH. In the future, another pair on a Layer-2 (ie. Polygon) or another blockchain may be deployed if necessary.

The remaining portion of this allocation is reserved for attracting additional external liquidity to the sytem. AudaSynth Team will decide months over months which portion of $AUDA should be allocated in each pools, based on market conditions and future growth opportunities.

The final aim of the Liquidity Providers / Staking allocation is to create a reliable and efficient market for AudaSynth final users by enhancing liquidity and capital efficiency.

Launch Incentives & Contests (18% of 1 billion)

This allocation is reserved for providing extra incentives to early adopters. Early users will have the possibility to win $AUDA tokens by testing the AudaSynth investment platform, joining trading competitions and ad-hoc contests. This allocation is intended to be used within a mid-term horizon for boosting the attractiveness, the userbase and the testing of the platform. AudaSynth aims to rewards active users which enjoy the platform and share the same vision as AudaSynth.

A vesting schedule is applied in order to have a smooth issue of $AUDA into circulation, and to limit the possibility of supply shocks.

Ecosystem Grants (6% of 1 billion)

This allocation is reserved to developers and projects willing to expand their businesses on AudaSynth and/or to develop their solutions using AudaSynth native blockchain.

A vesting schedule is applied and start once AudaSynth will release its own native blockchain, which is estimated to be in 2025.

Partners & VCs (6.5% of 1 billion)

This allocation is reserved to potential partners, advisors and VCs. Each of them will have its own contract and a vesting schedule applied based on their role and contributions.

  • The Vesting schedule for already distributed $AUDA is set to start linearly after 6 months from the end of the tokensale.

  • The Vesting schedule for undistributed $AUDA will be negotiated after an interesting entity is matched. After an undistributed $AUDA is matched with a new partner, advisor, VC, then a public announcement is made for transparency purposes.

Airdrops (2% of 1 billion)

To be announced.. stay tuned

Team (10% of 1 billion)

An extra incentive for the Team in order to have further "skin in the game". Long-term vesting schedule applied to team members.

Last updated